St Vital park, it was spring time; the trees were green and the cute ducklings following their mother in the water. Only a few people in the park, the sun setting to the west and the chill of the spring air whistled through the branches. Camera in hand we told ourselves we were just going to take a few pictures, never thought that it was going to be the beginning of a long journey. Luc’s camera in hand with that grin trying not to smile too much. To his dismay it didn’t work to well, his love for being behind the camera radiated from behind the viewfinder. To this day, looking back at those pictures bring back the memory like it was yesterday. It is one of our favorite places to shoot.
A few short months later, it was August long weekend; we were camping at Caddy Lake in the middle of the Whiteshell. Camera in hand, Luc steering the canoe, the thoughtthat kept coming to mind was I wish I could be camera in hand every day or at least more often than just a few times a month. The next obvious step was to start a company. After our wonderful time in Caddy, we starting working on everything we needed.
Now one year later, our journey has come to this, our company, Beau and Belle Photography. A thought in our hearts just a dream not so long ago. Now we turn the page and start our new adventure. Luc and Stephanie, two photographers seeing it where it takes them.