We enjoyed a wonderful few hours in the leaves with Ashley (Mom) and her two beautiful children. Luc and I love Saint-Vital Park and were excited to show the park off to a new family. What a great day in the sun, trees and leaves!
Nicole’s Portraits

Nicole, more well known as Nikky, a very photogenic gymnast. These next pictures were taken in St Vital park just off Bishop Grandin. In the middle of the winter, and yes this winter that just ended it was (thank goodness) not one of the colder days but still considering not one of the warmer days either. We were lucky though the sun was shinning bright. We found this bench that Nikky really loved so I had the chance to sit with her and enjoy the mid day rays. Such a down to earth gal! To this day Nikky and I stay in touch and I am sure you will be seeing more beautiful pictures of her in the future.
Samantha’s Portraits
Samantha is a driven and enthusiastic 16 year old! She is also a long lost sister of mine, such a sweet heart and a champ too. These next pictures were taking in the middle of January on one of the coldest days of our so called wonderful winter here in Winnipeg! So Sam another big hug going out to you for sticking with it even though it was so cold. She even let me put her in the snow, that brave sole. Here are the pictures we took at a park in North Kildonan, enjoy.
A Beautiful 3 Month Old
Luc and I had the wonderful gift of being asked to take pictures of a beautiful 3 month old, little baby girl. We were invited into there home to take some family pictures of them and their newborn. We started with some family pictures in the living room. Next we headed upstairs to the nursery. We were all very impressed with how co-operative she was, just a great baby. We finished our shoot with a few fun pictures with her in a lovely blue casserole, because let’s be honest who does not want to eat up a cute baby like her.
The Wig Lady – Evelyn’s Wigs Sales and Service
Friday we got the chance to take a drive out to Lorette, MB to go take a few portrait at Evelyn’s shop. Evelyn is owner of Evelyn’s Wig Sales and Service, she has been in business for over 25 years now and was the first wig shop in Manitoba. Just for fashion or for a specific reason Evelyn has always made sure that her clients leave satisfied and empowered with their new wig in hand. To find out more about Evelyn and her wig shop you can visit her website at: http://www.evelynswigs.com
Our Little Family
Say hello to our two lovely children, our cats, Emilio Estevez and Humphrey Bogart. Emilio has been in our lives for just over two years, Humphrey on the other hand has been our little one for just over six months (oh wow does time fly!). Their characters are pretty polar opposite. Emilio is the one that sleeps all day and if you wake him up he is not a happy camper. He likes to sleep on us but only if we have a big pouffy blanket, and most of all he just always looks pissed off. I will never understand why but there is something about his face that makes me think he is just out to get me. Humphrey is the type of cat that needs to understand everything and need to check everything out, mister inspector. Now let’s be honest he is not a graceful one, that’s Emilio’s job, Humphrey is the one that hits walls and falls off the bed all the time. He purr’s like a 60 pound animal but don’t be fooled he also has a set a claws that can make a pretty big gash if he so wishes. Though they are both our angels and always will be, sitting on our desk or sleeping on chairs they will always be our Emilio and Humphrey.
St. Vital Park

It was the middle of june, not quiet hot enough to be without a sweater but just warm enough to spend some time outside in the park. The ducks were quacking and the geese were chasing us around thinking we were going to steal away there chicks. The sun was setting and it was magic hour. The perfect time when the sun is just about to set and casts a beautiful yellow, red and orange. A time when all the details in a picture pop just the right amount. There is no other time like it!
Introduction Post
A long three months in the making, countless long nights trying to figure out what name represented us best, what font we liked best. I discovered that there’s alot more font families then I can even dream about. After the tedious job of coding, thank you Luc, I would have been screaming if I had to even touch it for a second. Then came choosing the pictures. Now, all said and done, here we are! Beau and Belle Photography, just a dream only three months ago and now it is a reality.
Comments and suggestions are highly encouraged! If you’d like more information about what services we offer, please feel free to get in touch with us, using either the contact page or any of the plethora of social networks located always on the right hand side of the page.
Luc and Stephanie
Beau and Belle Photography